Entreprise Programmation Informatique - Timbtrack Project - Quimesis

Quimesis, computer programming company, partner of the Timbtrack project, the tree scanner

Quimesis, computer programming company, partner of the Timbtrack project, the tree scanner

Would you like to develop an intelligent object or connected robot, linked to a responsive application, but don't know where to start? Our computer programming company can help you develop embedded software. Our team of experts, engineers and developers will put their skills in computer programming languages (including C, C++ and Python) and their programming expertise at your service, geared towards the development of software focused on user needs. The digitization of objects through the implementation of embedded software enables connectivity with databases, and opens the door to a goldmine of precise and valuable information (big data). Thanks to this technology and the support of our computer programming company Quimesis, the Timbtrack device has been developed to meet the needs of forest management players and modernize their measurement tools.

You want to develop a smart object or connected robot, linked to a responsive application, but you don't know where to start?

Our computer programming company can assist you in the development of embedded software. Our team of experts, engineers and developers will put at your service their skills in computer programming languages (especially C, C++ and Python) and their expertise in programming oriented towards the development of software centered on users' needs. The digitization of objects through the implementation of embedded software allows connectivity with databases and opens the door to a gold mine of precise and valuable information (big data).

Thanks to this technology and the support of our computer programming company Quimesis, the Timbtrack platform could be set up, in order to meet the needs of the actors of the forest management and to modernize their measurement tools.

Timbtrack, EMC, enterprise computer programming, tree measurer, forest management, enterprise programming, C, C++, Python

Quimesis, a computer programming company, participated in the development of Timbtrack. This is one of Quimesis' most portable connected object and software programming projects. This connected meter enables trees to be measured in two clicks, with data instantly saved on the web platform. It also provides access to all the information needed to manage a forest. In addition to saving time, access to a database - specially developed to offer a simple yet comprehensive user interface - simplifies the day-to-day work of forest managers. A brand new tool, perfectly adapted to users' needs.


Timbtrack, EMC, enterprise computer programming, tree measurer, forest management, enterprise programming, C, C++, Python

Quimesis, a computer programming company, participated in the development of Timbtrack. This is one of Quimesis' most portable connected object and software programming projects. This connected meter allows to measure trees in two clicks and to save the data instantly on the web platform.

It also offers the possibility to consult all the information necessary for the management of a forest. Beyond saving time, access to a database - specially developed to offer a simple but complete user interface - simplifies the daily work of forest managers.

A brand new web environment, perfectly adapted to the needs of users.

The assistance of a computer programming company to develop a tool oriented to the needs of forest managers

To realize the Timbtrack project, Quimesis undertook a custom development to meet the needs of end users.

Perfectly suited for forest owners, managers and technicians, Timbtrack's Electronic Meter Connect (EMC) provides fast and accurate geolocated digital measurement of trees, while avoiding possible errors during data entry. Timbtrack thus allows to accelerate and simplify the forest inventories and the operations of cubing. Thanks to its software linked to the platform, the EMC brings a gain in measurement time and data security facilitating sustainable forest management decisions. This digital precision allows to follow closely the growth of the stands.

As acomputer programming company, Quimesis contributed the skills of its team of experts to develop and deploy the Timbtrack embedded platform, simplifying the task of tree inventory. This is achieved in just a few steps:

  • Save the "variable" (taper of the tree).
  • Record the species of the tree.
  • Enter the height.
  • Use the digital string to measure the circumference.
  • All measurements are located by GPS.

Through cleverly developed computer programming and embedded software implementation, Timbtrack improves and simplifies forest management while significantly reducing the time and costs spent on forest measurements.

The assistance of a computer programming company to develop a tool oriented to the needs of forest managers

To realize the Timbtrack project, Quimesis undertook a custom development to meet the needs of end users.

Perfectly suited for forest owners, managers and technicians, Timbtrack's Electronic Meter Connect (EMC) provides fast and accurate geolocated digital measurement of trees, while avoiding possible errors during data entry. Timbtrack thus allows to accelerate and simplify the forest inventories and the operations of cubing. Thanks to its software linked to the platform, the EMC brings a gain in measurement time and data security facilitating sustainable forest management decisions. This digital precision allows to follow closely the growth of the stands.

As acomputer programming company, Quimesis brought the skills of its team of experts to develop and deploy the Timbtrack platform and thus simplify the task of inventorying trees. This is done in only a few steps:

Save the "variable" (tree taper).
Enter tree species.
Enter height.
Use the digital string to measure the circumference.
All measurements are tracked by GPS.

Thanks to sophisticated computer programming and the implementation of embedded
embedded software, Timbtrack improves and simplifies forest management while
significantly reduces the time and costs spent on forest measurements.

Learn more about Timbtrack

Computer programming for a rich and precise inventory of forest areas inventory of forest areas for a useful big data on a daily basis

The wealth of data collected is available in the Timbtrack platform. The user interface has been developed to allow easy access to the information while preserving its richness and detail, when requested.

The development of software and embedded software plays a major role in this type of product, as it opens the door to intelligent connectivity, which is a gold mine of information. Following the intervention of our computer programming company, each meter is connected, and thanks to this connection to the platform, it is possible to retrieve a lot of data (big data) that allows to extract measurements and real trends on the forest stands and to provide many other very useful indicators for forest management.

Discover our IT projects

Computer programming for a rich and precise inventory of forest areas for a useful big data on a daily basis

The wealth of data collected is available in the Timbtrack platform. The user interface has been developed to allow easy access to the information while preserving its richness and detail, when requested.

The development of software and embedded software plays a major role in this type of product, as it opens the door to intelligent connectivity, which is a gold mine of information. Following the intervention of our computer programming company, each meter is connected, and thanks to this connection to the platform, it is possible to retrieve a lot of data (big data) that allows to extract measurements and real trends on the forest stands and to provide many other very useful indicators for forest management.


Discover our IT projects

 A project to submit to our computer programming company? 

Do you have an idea for a connected object in mind? Are you thinking of a technological device that would make your daily work easier? You need assistance in developing applications or lack expertise in programming languages (C, C++, Python)?

Find out what the team of experts and programmers of our computer programming company Quimesis can do for you!

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A project to submit to our computer programming company?

Do you have an idea for a connected object? Thinking of a technological
make your day-to-day work easier? Do you
need assistance with application development, or lack expertise in
lack expertise in programming languages (C, C++, Python)?

Find out what the team of experts and programmers at our
programming company Quimesis can do for you!

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